Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Art With Beer cans

Art With Beer Cans (9) 7
hey check out what u can do with a little creativity & lots of beer cans. These amazing sculptures made from beer cans include a truck, a bike, airplane, musical instruments, castle & others. You make even think of these as decorative pieces on the second thought.

Art With Beer Cans (9) 1
Art With Beer Cans (9) 3
 Art With Beer Cans (9) 2
 Art With Beer Cans (9) 4
Art With Beer Cans (9) 5
Art With Beer Cans (9)6

Art With Beer Cans (9) 8
Art With Beer Cans (9) 9
Art With Beer Cans (9) 10
Art With Beer Cans (9) 11


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