Sunday, November 15, 2009

look alike popey the sailor in real life

look alike popey the sailor in real life
 Look Alike Of Popeye In Real Life (7) 4
Here are a few people who look like Popeye; can it be said that if Popeye had been in real life, perhaps he would have looked something like them!

 Look Alike Of Popeye In Real Life (7) 1
 Look Alike Of Popeye In Real Life (7) 2

 Look Alike Of Popeye In Real Life (7) 5
 Look Alike Of Popeye In Real Life (7) 6

 Look Alike Of Popeye In Real Life (7) 7
Doesn't she look like she is related to Popeye!

Spinach Powered House (2) 1
Spinach Powered House (2) 2We all know how good spinach is for us & spinach gives energy to Popeye & here we have ' Spinach Power House'. Matthew Coates & Tim Meldrum designed a house that obtains its electricity from spinach. To say, it gets its power entirely from spinach is a bit of an overstatement & the fact is it gets its power from solar energy. But the main component for generating electricity from the sun is a protein called Photosystem I, which is derived from spinach. This may be the house which Popeye would have ever wished for.


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